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Klopfenstein , Delpriori , Aldini , and Bogliolo: "Worth One Minute": An Anonymous Rewarding Platform for Crowd-Sensing Systems

Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein , Saverio Delpriori , Alessandro Aldini and Alessandro Bogliolo

"Worth One Minute": An Anonymous Rewarding Platform for Crowd-Sensing Systems

Abstract: Readily available and affordable consumer-grade electronics, with ever-increasing sensing, computing, and communication capabilities, have provided the ground for distributed computation and data collection systems. Crowd-sensing applications rely on volunteers providing access to their personal devices—a category encompassing smartphones, wearables, vehicles, and a wide range of ‘Internet of Things’ appliances—and using them as sensors. These systems rely on the willingness of participants to invest in a common cause, which often entails explicit efforts from users, occupation of hardware resources, and risks of sharing private data. Incentives and rewarding schemes are adopted toencourageuserparticipation. Thispaperintroducesthe"Worth One Minute" (WOM) platform: an implementation of a generalpurpose rewarding system based on anonymous vouchers. The platform is designed to reward user efforts towards the common good, rewarding their contributions and the intrinsic social value theyprovide,whilepreservingtheiranonymity.

Keywords: anonymized data , crowd-sensing , incentive mechanisms , participatory sensing , privacy , rewarding stratigies


TECHNOLOGICAL developments over the last decade have transformed consumer electronics available to everybody into powerful instruments with always increasing sensing capabilities, computational power, and communication means. These devices include smart vehicles, wearable devices, health or fitness aids, home appliances, and smartphones, each of which has the capability of collecting, processing, and transmitting data. Applications and services that rely on these capabilities being distributed to the edge of the Internet, instead of residing on centralized servers, have been classified under the novel “edge computing” label. In particular, the near ubiquitous nature of the modern smartphone—readily available to the majority of the world population—has given life to a vision in which crowds of citizens equipped with “edge” devices perform tasks such as collecting and sharing data sensed from their near environment.

This edge-focused data collection paradigm, similar in principle to that of wireless sensor networks, benefits from many advantages: It provides access to a variety of sensing capabilities (provided by cameras, microphones, GNSS receivers, gyroscopes, accelerometers, and more) and information provided by users or their context, it leverages existing infrastructure, it has low deployment and development costs, and it exploits the inherent distribution and mobility of users and their devices, which may opportunistically reach massive coverage.

Data collection systems adopting this paradigm have been grouped under the terms people-centric sensing [1], participatory sensing, citizen sensing, community sensing [2], or crowdsensing [3]. In this respect, these systems take the “wisdom of crowds” approach from crowdsourcing and apply it to data collection tasks [4]. Guo et al. give a specific definition of mobile crowd-sensing and computing (MCSC) as a large-scale sensing paradigm based on user-provided smart devices and envision additional data aggregation and fusion capabilities that allow to tap into the crowd’s collective intelligence [5].

Incentive and rewarding mechanisms are critical to the utilization and success of crowd-sensing systems. Individuals owning the collection devices must be singularly encouraged to participate in sensing activities, which (a) require long-term commitment but do not bring any direct benefits to the contributor; (b) incur in non-trivial costs, in terms of time, effort, and mobile device resources (e.g., energy and data usage) [6]. When collecting user location data or sensible information, users must also be convinced to overcome their privacy concerns [7].

A. Contribution

Crowd sensing and computing systems can unleash the exceptional potential of mobile and edge devices. In doing so, they stimulate active citizenship and generate intrinsic social value thanks to the cooperation of a large number of volunteers. Data and results from crowd sensing can be of direct interest not only to the crowd-sensing provider and its participants but also to third-party stakeholders, which can be interested in the results of the data collection process without being directly involved in it [8].

In this work, we present an anonymous monetization platform that, instead of being bound to a single crowd-based initiative, provides an open participative infrastructure that serves as an interface between volunteers and the stakeholders that wish to support their efforts.

The incentives provided by stakeholders reinforce the motivation of volunteers across all crowd-based initiatives adopting the system, thus leveraging positive externalities (i.e., the “network effect”) on the entire platform and its participants [9]. Decoupling crowd-based initiatives from the rewarding system they adopt allows applying the platform economy paradigm, multiplying the impact of each participating initiative and each reward provider [10]. Also, the platform allows reward providers to target their incentives towards specific causes or locations, in order to implement cross-platform policies and incentivization strategies.

The presented platform is based on a revised version of voucher-exchange protocols from previous work [11], introducing updated in order to strengthen both security and privacy aspects. In Section III we introduce the design goals, sample usecases, the adopted terminology, the architecture, and the main entities involved in the platform, named worth one minute (WOM). Section IV details the platform’s implementation and expands the exchange protocols with further detail and additional privacy and security discussions. Release and integration of the platform are discussed in Section V.


A. Crowdsourced Sensing and Citizen Science

According to Campbell et al., sensing platforms can be classified as personal sensing applications (aimed at monitoring and archiving an individual’s activity, such as smart pedometers or personal carbon footprint trackers), social sensing (collecting information shared within a social circle and aimed at special interest groups), and public sensing (collecting and sharing data, for the public good, such as congestion or pollution in cities) [1]. Sensing applications in the latter categories capture information about the surroundings of participants, which is exploited publicly or at a community scale. Personal, social, and public sensing platforms are employed to gather data in order to achieve aims pertaining to the common interest [12].

A survey by Christin et al. cites many different examples of “environment-centric sensing applications”, which may help to monitor environmental parameters of public interest such as air quality, noise, trac conditions, or information of social nature [2]. Sensing applications limited to the personal realm may also contribute to improving public well-being directly or indirectly [13]. A trivial example could be a fitness tracking app which encourages users to reach fitness goals based on averaged statistics, thus increasing awareness of the user’s conditions and possibly reducing the public cost of health care. Many projects similar in scope have been presented in the context of personal health monitoring [14]–[16]. Collection of air quality data from cheap embedded sensing devices has a direct utility for volunteers, who are informed about pollution in their cities, but has also been shown to be a useful source of information to generate realistic air quality models which can be frequently updated [17], [18]. Similarly, a study based on noise level detection using do-it-yourself sensors found that participatory sensing had a positive impact on citizen awareness and campaigns against noise pollution at city-level [19].

Active participation of citizens to these data collection campaigns can foster a symbiotic relationship between the crowdsensing system, the community, and individual volunteers. Knowledge about public policies in effect and their repercussions on day-to-day life creates awareness and stimulates active citizenship. People are directly involved “in the loop”, gaining a greater collective perception of monitored parameters and their significance, as observed in many citizen science studies [20].

B. Crowd-Sensing and Incentive Schemes

Without strong incentives, mobile crowd-sensing systems may suffer from insucient user participation, which reduces the amount of data they are able to collect and thus their usefulness. Performing work or providing data for the collective good is not always an effective motivation on the long term. In many scenarios users prefer a “free ride” approach, waiting for others to volunteer and work towards their own goals [21].

A user incentives study by Zhang et al. divides user incentives into three major categories: a) Entertainment incentives, whereby the crowd sensing task is turned into a game, such that users can contribute to the initiative while playing; b) Service provision in exchange for work, which requires that sensing platform and users are able to provide mutual benefits to each other; c) Monetary incentives, whereby the sensing service pays a given amount of money (or an equivalent) in exchange for work [22]. Guo et al. include additional incentive types, such associal reasons (i.e., the ability to socializing with others or gaining recognition) or purely ethical reasons. Crowd-sensing systems may also indirectly enhance user participation by providing energy conservation or privacy protection mechanisms [5].

In a study by Gao et al. a further distinction is made between rewards for server-initiated and user-initiated sensing. Serverinitiated sensing allows the service provider to select the user who will perform the sensing task. The provider thus retains all control over how tasks are scheduled and how they are rewarded. User-initiated sensing instead is based on users actively deciding 23 when and where to collect data [23]. A survey by Ogie provides a similar distinction, based on whether the provider or the user is able to set the level of monetary rewards. Furthermore, rewards are divided into static and dynamic mechanisms: the first kind establishes the price of a sensing task in advance, while the second kind allows the price to vary based on volunteer demand [24]. Several rewarding schemes have been proposed based on the latter kind, mainly based upon an auction mechanism where users bid to win a task to complete [25].

In this work, we focus exclusively on user-initiated task assignment, with a fixed price. We propose a classification of these incentive strategies into 3 broad categories, which can be further distinguished by their anonymity properties, as shown in Table 1. Incentives based on interest rely on intrinsic motivations of volunteers, whereby they participate in the crowd-sensing task because of pre-existing interest or the enjoyment they find in the task itself. Volunteers may be allured by the introduction of game-like elements [26]. Community incentives are based on moral or ethical motivations. Communities promoting the crowdsensing task may award volunteers with immaterial rewards such as reputation or trust. Games may leverage competition between participants. In case of anonymous contributions, volunteers may act out of sheer altruism. Monetization is based on financial rewards in exchange for contributions, which may be offered in the form of money—real or virtual. Pecuniary transfers usually require some form of user identification. Monetary incentives in the form of anonymous vouchers (which give access to goods outside of the crowd-sensing system) or credits (which give access to services within the platform) do not require knowledge about the user’s identity. Incentives in this category do not depend on the nature of the task and can be applied to any kind of crowdsourced

Table 1.

Rewarding schemes classification in terms of motivation provided and anonymization of user information.
Motivation Non-anonymous Anonymous
Interest Social inclusion, belonging, social good. Enjoyment, entertainment.
Community Reputation, trust, competition. Altruism.
Monetization Virtual or fiat currency exchange, bidding, monetary transfers. Vouchers, credits.

activity. Also, they are easy to adjust (i.e., doubling the incentives on a specific task can be done by doubling the prize, but it not so straightforward when dealing with interest- or community-based incentives) [27]. However, incentives in the monetary category risk attracting cheating users, willing to deceive the system in order to get access to higher financial gains [5].

C. Anonymity

A critical aspect of crowd-sensing systems is that they collect potentially sensitive data from sensors, which can be used to disclose personal information about individual contributors. In the design of participatory sensing platforms, the privacy of users must be protected both in terms of information inferred directly from the sensor readings as well as information implicitly conveyed by the interaction of users with the crowd-sensing system [2].

It has been shown that geolocation readings from a GNSS receiver can be effectively used to reconstruct information about the individual, such as commute patterns, routines, or private locations [28]. Start and end points of periodic vehicle trips can be used to infer the home or work address of drivers. Different approaches have been proposed in literature to prevent user tracking in a dataset of GNSS tracks [29]. Other kinds of data, such as microphone or camera sensor data, can also be effectively cross-linked with other information provided by individuals, in order to infer their participation to crowd-sensing systems [30].

Privacy requirements are usually very user-specific (i.e., each user has a different perception of the information that they are willing to share privately or publicly within a crowd-sensing service), but the adoption of a crowd-sensing service heavily depends on its privacy guarantees and its perceived trustworthiness. It is crucial that no additional information can be inferred by third-parties (i.e., cannot be “leaked” from context or via crosslinking) that the promised privacy criteria are ensured by the system, and that sensitive information is either securely stored or never collected in the first place [1]. In addition to third-parties, it is often desirable for user contributions to be also protected from the crowd-sensing service provider itself, which might act in an “honest but curious” fashion and attempt to access sensible private information [31].

However, privacy and anonymity usually clash with other requirements such as accountability, non-repudiation, and quality control of collected data. Also, user anonymity often precludes

Fig. 1.

Overview of the platform’s components.

the establishment of reputation systems, even if recent research efforts have addressed this problem with reputation schemes that do not leak sensitive information about user activities [32], [33]. Crowd-sensing systems face high security, data integrity, and quality requirements, which usually require state-of-theart authentication and identification mechanisms. In the most general case, these systems must establish verified associations between contributions and user identities, which negate most privacy-preserving precautions.

In order to ensure an adequate privacy level despite the presence of user-identifying information, different techniques have been proposed in literature. For instance, k-anonymity [34], by which a data set including personal information can be transformed to ensure that no information can be linked to sets of less than k individuals, or pseudonym schemes [35], which make use of derived identifiers that are usable for authentication but do not contain personal information. Other techniques proposed include differential privacy, which adds noise to the contents of a data set in order to hide information of individuals while retaining the results of aggregate analyses [36].

While these techniques provide a formal model for ensuring that published data cannot be effectively cross-linked, it has been argued that anonymized sensitive data still leads to privacy risks and that further data obfuscation may be desirable to ensure user protection [37], [38].

In this work, partial data disclosure and obfuscation techniques are used to trade between the granularity of the information-based incentive schemes and the robustness of the privacy-preserving data sharing mechanisms.


The WOM platform has been designed bearing in mind the peculiar features of contributions in typical mobile crowd-sensing systems but is not limited to crowd-sensing alone. Rather, the platform is intended to support rewarding in any scenario where volunteers contribute to the common good and provide intrinsic social value.

Each voucher generated by the platform represents compensa

Fig. 2.

Diagram of the communication protocol for generating vouchers.

tion for one minute of work performed towards a cause. As such, a voucher is “worth one minute” of the volunteer’s time (or an equivalent effort). Vouchers take the name of “WOMs” within the “WOM platform”, by virtue of this. As a homogeneous way of rewarding the efforts by individual volunteers, it turns commitment to a collective cause into an effort-based currency. The voucher system eschews the complications of real currencies while also preventing common virtual currency misbehaviors (e.g., forgery, double spending, cheating, or speculation) [39].

Vouchers are produced as compensation for specific user contributions and thus are intrinsically tied to a geographical position (i.e., where was the contribution generated?), a timestamp (i.e., when was the contribution generated?), and a purpose (i.e., which application was used by the user and for what common cause?). Moreover, vouchers are designed not to include any information about the user, nor are they tied to any particular identity.

A. Use Cases

WOMs are designed for mobile crowd-sensing, but are intended to reward any kind of effort towards the common good: preliminary tests focused on offine educational scenarios have been performed, as reported in a previous study [11]. The design of the online platform has been shaped by the following use case scenarios:

UC1: A mobile crowdsensing application that collects geolocalized data through smartphone sensors (such as Smart- RoadSense, which collects road roughness data through smartphone accelerometers made available by volunteer drivers [40]).

UC2: A crowdsensing application that collects sensor data from fixed sensors (such as hackAIR, which collect air quality measurements from stationary sensing stations [41]).

UC3: A short-term volunteer-based initiative, focused on ‘citizen science’ [42], environmental issues, or other common good subjects (for instance the “Christmas Bird Count” or a beach litter cleanup action).

UC4: Personal development or education, such as university courses, schools, cultural initiatives, or online courses.

While only UC1 and UC2 fit within crowdsensing in a strict sense, in the context of the WOM platform, all of these usecases represent valuable contributions from individuals to their community and to the common good as a whole. These usecases represent a non-exhaustive set of initiatives that can be rewarded by the platform by converting efforts by individuals into WOM vouchers.

B. Platform Architecture and Actors

The proposed voucher system takes care of the following basic operations: (a) Generating vouchers, (b) transferring them to the intended recipient, (c) verifying their validity, and (d) exchanging them in verifiable transactions.

The following actors take part in the proposed voucher system and are shown in Fig. 1:

Aim: A goal or cause towards the common good that volunteers may contribute their efforts to and that is recognized by the rewarding platform;

Volunteers: Individuals that invest time and effort in order to pursue a common aim using an Instrument;

Registry: Central authority that issues vouchers and processes payments;

Instrument: Any kind of system participating in the rewarding platform and used by volunteers in order to perform work towards a common Aim;

Merchant: Third-party interested in one or more Aims, which may reward volunteers by exchanging vouchers for goods or services;

Pocket: Tool made available by the rewarding platform that allows volunteers to collect and store vouchers, implemented as a mobile application;

Point of Sale (POS): Technical end-point that allows merchants to accept vouchers.

In Fig. 1, actors are separated into server-side and client-side components, based on how they will be technically implemented. As is the case for most mobile crowd-sensing systems, the Instrument is split up into a client-side “collection tool” (usually a mobile application or other local software that performs the sensing task) and a remote “aggregation service” that receives the data and processes it. Both components are not controlled in any way by the rewarding platform. The Instrument’s server-side component is able to communicate with the Registry.

All instances of Instruments and Merchants participating in the platform are known and registered by the Registry. Single users that contribute in crowd-sensing initiatives adopting Instruments are not known to the platform’s Registry. Likewise, single Pocket installations on user devices are not registered and not linked to any user identity.

Registry and Instrument entities control the generation of vouchers: they both must be considered as trusted entities in the context of the platform. Single Instruments have an established trust relationship with their users, whose private data they collect (measurements, locations, and/or other sensible information). Privacy and security issues between users and Instruments are out of the scope of this work: communication between these entities is considered to be secure.

C. Platform Management and Voucher Value

The WOM platform is designed to attract volunteer-based initiatives on one side and third-party subsidizers on the other one, both pursuing shared causes for the common good. Given that voucher creation is linear with the amount of effort invested by volunteers and there is no upper bound to the number of existing vouchers, control must be exercised over the behavior of voucher creators (i.e., Instruments). The platform needs to limit the risk of inflation and guarantee fair treatment of volunteer efforts, in spite of the diversity of aims they pursue and instruments they adopt.

The addition of a new Instrument to the platform must be carefully evaluated, because of the trust relationship that is established with the Registry. The platform provides a formal approval process through a transparent ethical committee, whose purpose is that of evaluating the pertinence of Instruments joining the platform and their contributions to shared aims. An objective metric used to measure user contributions and efforts, collected and validated by an Instrument, is established and approved by the committee. The committee also establishes to which common Aims vouchers by an Instrument are attributed to. Technical correctness of the Instrument’s client-side tools must be certified, to ensure that volunteers cannot exploit the system to gain uncontrolled access to vouchers and that generated vouchers are proportional to the actual effort provided by users. Once an Instrument is registered it obtains the ability to request new vouchers on behalf of its users and its compliance with the platform’s ethical and technical requirements is publicly certified. This ability can be revoked in case of misbehavior.

As the Instrument creates vouchers on behalf of the user for units of work that are “worth one minute”, it acts as a validator for the contributed work: in UC1 for instance, the mobile crowdsensing system must adequately verify that user contributions are significant and that users are not allowed to cheat (i.e., obtaining vouchers for faked work). Similarly, in UC4, initiative organizers verify and guarantee the work done by participants (e.g., lessons have been attended, courses have been passed, etc.).

Conversely, Merchants exchanging vouchers for rewards shall not be subject to the same approval process, since voucher spending raises fewer concerns for the platform’s fairness than voucher generation. Integration with the platform through a Point of Sale is encouraged and requires no formal evaluation and certification. Once a Merchant and its Point of Sale are registered, they obtain the ability to receive vouchers in payment. This ability can also be revoked by the Registry in case of misbehavior.

Instruments participating in the platform independently determine how to fairly attribute vouchers, while the platform does not discriminate between more or less “useful” work. Merchants however will be able to discriminate the vouchers to accept in payment, based on voucher source, aim, position, and/or time. This approach is intended to allow merchants to determine which contributes to incentivize, while still ensuring that all user contributions to the common good are perceived as equally worthy.


A. Voucher Generation Protocol

This protocol is used to generate a number of vouchers and grant them to a user, in compensation for previous contributions. The procedure, which is shown in Fig. 2, is initiated by the Instrument. The Instrument requires new vouchers from the Registry. Once the voucher creation has been initiated, the process is completed by an additional interaction between the volunteer’s Pocket and the Registry.

In detail, the generation protocol is articulated as follows:

(a) Within the Instrument, the collection tool transfers contributions [TeX:] $$\left(c_{1}, \cdots, c_{n}\right)$$ to the aggregation service. Each [TeX:] $$c_{i}$$ contains geolocation, a timestamp, and a reference to an Aim for which a voucher needs to be generated. The user may choose to omit or partially obfuscate this information at the desired granularity level. Hence, the Instrument provides a set of contributions [TeX:] $$\left(c_{1}^{\prime}, \cdots, c_{n}^{\prime}\right)$$ to the Registry that may be altered based on the user settings (see Section IV.E for the details). In this phase, the collection tool establishes a fresh secret

Fig. 3.

Diagram of the communication protocol for performing payments.

Pwd, known to the user and shared by the two parties. The secret can be generated randomly by the Instrument or picked by the user, and it is never transmitted after this step. Pwd must be communicated out of band (e.g., shown on screen) to the user, who will use it to confirm the process in step (g).

The Instrument’s back-end registers the volunteer’s contributions and requests the generation of n vouchers from the Registry. The message contains contribution proofs [TeX:] $$c_{i},$$ possibly including details such as geographical position, timestamp, and aim of the original contributions. The message also contains a random nonce N and [TeX:] $$I D_{\text {instr }},$$ an identifier of the Instrument. The request is encrypted with the Registry’s public key [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}$$

The Registry issues new vouchers and generates a one-time code, [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}.$$ The code, together with the nonce N and a unique identifier of the Registry, is returned to the Instrument, encrypted using its public key [TeX:] $$P K_{\text {instr }}.$$

(d) The Instrument sends back a confirmation message containing [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}},$$ encrypted with the Registry’s public key.

(e) The collection tool receives the one-time code. As for step (a), this transfer is out of the scope of this paper and will depend on the Instrument’s implementation.

(f) [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}$$ is transferred to the volunteer’s Pocket. This transmission is in the clear. Invocation of the Pocket relies on the one-time code being represented as a URL, as described in Section IV.F.

The Pocket sends a redeem request to the Registry. It asks The Pocket sends a redeem request to the Registry. It asks [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}},$$ Pwd, and a fresh session key [TeX:] $$K_{s}$$ are included in a message encrypted using the public key [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}$$ and sent to the Registry.

(h) The Registry verifies the one-time code’s validity and if Pwd matches the known secret between it and the Instrument. If the request can be satisfied, vouchers vi are encrypted using the session key [TeX:] $$K_{s}$$ and returned to the Pocket, which stores them. If Pwd does not match the known secret, the generation request is invalidated and cannot be used again.

(i) The Registry acknowledges the successful transfer with a message to the Instrument, containing the nonce N (as a unique identifier for the transaction).

Instrument and Registry are known entities within the platform and have public keys [TeX:] $$P K_{\text {instr }} \text { and } P K_{\text {reg }}$$ used to encrypt messages in (b)–(d), (g), and (i). The Pocket is represented by instances of a mobile app installed on a user device: Single installation instances are not known to the platform. All communication between Pocket and Registry rely on public key [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}$$ and a temporary session key [TeX:] $$K_{s}.$$

At step (a) and (g) the user must provide Pwd, a secret value that ensures that [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}$$ is transferred to the intended recipient and that vouchers are not reclaimed by malicious users. The secret may be established beforehand by the Instrument or it may be generated by the Instrument’s collection tool before requesting vouchers. The Pocket will explicitly ask the user to input Pwd before issuing the request message at (g).

Details of the internal communication protocol adopted by the Instrument depend on the crowd-sensing service and are out of scope for this paper. The message protocols at step (a) and (e) are considered reliable and secure.

B. Payment

This action consists in the exchange of a number of a volunteer’s vouchers with a third-party Merchant. The exchange is made possible by the interaction between the merchant’s Point of Sale and the volunteer’s Pocket, as shown by the protocol diagram in Fig. 3.

The protocol is specular to the communication protocol between Instrument and Registry. In detail:

(j) The Merchant creates a new “payment instance” through the Registry. This can be done in advance (for future goods and services offered) or in response to user action (the user accesses the Point of Sale and requests goods or services). The Merchant establishes a secret Pwd and sends it to the Registry, together with a voucher filter f (see Section IV.D), the number of requested vouchers k (i.e., the “cost”), a confirmation URL [TeX:] $$A C K_{p c k},$$ a unique nonce N, and the Point of Sale identifier [TeX:] $$I D_{\mathrm{pos}}.$$ The message is encrypted with [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}.$$

(k) The Registry generates a new one-time code [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ for the payment and sends it back with the nonce N and the unique identifier of the Registry, encrypted using the Merchant’s public key [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{pos}}.$$

(l) The Merchant sends back a confirmation containing [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}},$$ encrypted with the Registry’s public key.

(m) [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ is transferred from the Merchant to the volunteer’s Pocket. This transmission is in the clear, akin to step (f) in Fig. 2.

(n) The Pocket asks the user to provide Pwd, the secret known to Merchant and Registry after step (j). Then, Pwd, [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ and a fresh session key [TeX:] $$K_{s 1}$$ are included in a message sent to the Registry and encrypted using [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}.$$

The Registry provides information about the payment instance, including the voucher filter f , the requested amount k, and the Merchant’s identity [TeX:] $$I D_{\mathrm{pos}},$$ included in a message sent to the Pocket and encrypted using the fresh session key [TeX:] $$K_{s 1}.$$ The Pocket determines whether payment conditions can be satisfied (i.e., enough vouchers satisfying the filter f are owned by the volunteer). If they are, payment information is explicitly shown to the user for confirmation, including the Merchant’s identity, the amount k, and the filter f . If not, the payment cannot proceed and the process is terminated. As discussed in Section IV.E, when confirming a payment the Pocket is disclosing that the user owns at least k vouchers satisfying f , which might leak personal information if very specific filters are used. Users must be fully aware of the Merchant’s filter and identity before accepting a payment.

(p) An amount k of vouchers is transferred to the Registry. After this step, vouchers are considered to be lost to the Pocket and the user. The Pocket generates a “secret” in the form of a random sequence S . The secret is stored by the Pocket and its digest h(S ) is transmitted to the Registry. The payment request to the Registry contains [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}},$$ Pwd, a sequence of k vouchers [TeX:] $$v_{i}$$ that satisfy f , h(S ), and a fresh session key [TeX:] $$K_{s 2}.$$ The message is encrypted using [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{reg}}.$$

(q) The Registry independently verifies that all vouchers vi satisfy the payment conditions. If so, the payment is confirmed and the Registry notifies the Merchant, using the nonce N as a unique identifier. Vouchers and their information are never transmitted to the Merchant.

The Registry sends a payment confirmation to the Pocket, containing the [TeX:] $$\text { URL } A C K_{\text {pos }},$$ encrypted using [TeX:] $$K_{s 2}.$$ The Pocket invokes [TeX:] $$A C K_{\mathrm{pos}}$$ to confirm the payment to the user.

Like in the voucher generation protocol in Section IV.A, Merchant and Registry are known entities within the platform and have public keysv [TeX:] $$P K_{\mathrm{pos}} \text { and } P K_{\mathrm{reg}},$$ used to encrypt messages in (j)–(l), (n), (p)–(q). Communication between Registry and Pocket is secured by temporary session keys [TeX:] $$K_{s 1} \text { and } K_{s 2}.$$

Before step (p), a random secret S is generated by the Pocket and stored. A hash h(S ) is transmitted to the Registry, which stores it when confirming the payment. If at any point the proof of payment is needed to resolve a payment controversy, the Pocket can provide S as indisputable proof of having performed the payment. This mechanism allows the platform to forego Pocket registration and user identification.

C. Security Discussion

the classical Dolev-Yao security assumptions [43]. Hence, we consider an external intruder with full control of the network and without any cryptanalysis capability.

The security properties of interest for the protocol of Fig. 2 are mutual authentication of the servers involved (Instrument and Registry) and the confidentiality of the vouchers, which shall be known only to the Registry and the legitimate user.

The initial phase of the protocol of Fig. 2 relies on the data exchange between the client and the server components of the Instrument and is specific of the kind of application that is connected to the rewarding platform (see e.g. [40] for an example crowd-sensing system). Hence, all the communications between these two parties, represented by thick dashed lines, are secured by hypothesis. In particular, for the security conditions related to the rest of the protocol execution, it is sucient to assume that these parties agree on the confidential secret Pwd.

The rest of the protocol is decoupled to make the voucher management independent of the specific Instrument and involves two steps: the voucher generation by the Registry in response to a legitimate Instrument request and the claim of the vouchers by the Pocket app of the legitimate user.

As far as the first step is concerned, the critical part of the protocol of Fig. 2 is represented by the handshake of messages (b)–(d), which is an instance of the Needham-Schroeder-Lowe authentication protocol [44], [45]. The protocol, which enables the mutually authenticated transmission of data over an insecure network using a set of private and public keys, is represented in its original version by the following message exchange between two agents A and B:

[TeX:] $$\begin{array}{l}{A \rightarrow B: P K_{B}\left(N_{A}, I D_{A}\right)} \\ {B \rightarrow A: P K_{A}\left(N_{A}, N_{B}, I D_{B}\right)} \\ {A \rightarrow B: P K_{B}\left(N_{B}\right)}\end{array}$$

where [TeX:] $$N_{A}, N_{B}$$ are fresh nonces, generated by A and B, respectively. In particular, the role of the nonce [TeX:] $$N_{A}$$ is played by the nonce N of the message (b) and generated by the Instrument server, while the role of the nonce [TeX:] $$N_{B}$$ is played by the fresh secret [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}$$ generated by the Registry. Therefore, by virtue of the security properties formally satisfied by the Needham- Schroeder-Lowe protocol, after the handshake the two parties, the Instrument server and Registry, are mutually authenticated and confidentially share the fresh secret (N, Pwd), generated at the Instrument side (we recall that Pwd is the secret shared between client and server) and the fresh secret [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}.$$ These shared secrets form the base for the validation of the rest of the protocol of Fig. 2.

The second step of the protocol is modeled by messages (e)– (i). After the handshake described above, the Registry is ready to issue the vouchers associated uniquely to the shared secrets. To this aim, the latter secret, [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}},$$ is securely communicated from the Instrument server to the Instrument client, see message (e), which then reveals it to the Pocket app, see message (f). As discussed more exhaustively in the following Section IV.F, this usually happens locally on the same device.

Afterwards, the Pocket app claims the vouchers from the Registry, see message (g), which are then transmitted to the Pocket app, see message (h). For this purpose, by using a two-message handshake as done, e.g., in SSL, message (g) is encrypted with the public key of the Registry and includes a fresh session key [TeX:] $$K_{S},$$ which will be used by the Registry to encrypt the following message (h). Exactly as proven in the case of SSL (see, e.g., [46], [47]), the handshake of messages (g) and (h) guarantees the confidentiality of the vouchers claim/transfer, as only the Registry can decrypt message (g) and only the user generating such a message can decrypt message (h). Moreover, notice that the validity of message (g) is guaranteed by the pair [TeX:] $$\left(O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}, P w d\right),$$ where Pwd is asked to the user. If the pair transmitted in message (g) does not match the pair stored by the Registry, then the claim is not valid and the related vouchers are not issued, otherwise the claim is successful and the vouchers are delivered through message (h). Such a behavior prevents attacks against the shared secrets via brute force or statistical procedures. Hence, thanks to the validity condition surveyed above, only the legitimate user can generate a successful claim message and only the legitimate parties share the vouchers at the end of the handshake. Notice also that the freshness of the shared secrets protects the handshake against replay attacks.

The vulnerabilities deriving from denial of service attacks (as in the case of an adversary blocking some message) do not compromise the security conditions of interest, as the vouchers are transmitted only at the last stage. Moreover, by employing the feedback provided by the final acknowledgment—see message (i), which is sent by the Registry to the Instrument server to notify the result of the vouchers claim—a possible extension could be proposed to design the Instrument in such a way to repeat the protocol in case of failure.

The security analysis of the protocol of Fig. 3 is based on the same argumentations. The security properties of interest are mutual authentication of Merchant and Registry, and the correctness of the payment, which shall be completed only by using legitimate vouchers.

As in the previous case, the handshake of messages (j)–(l) turns out to represent an instance of the Needham-Schroeder- Lowe authentication protocol, after which the two parties are mutually authenticated and share the fresh secrets exchanged during the interaction. Then, both the handshake of messages (n)– (o) and (p)–(r) represent two separate instances of the SSL-like handshake used also in the previous protocol. They allow a confidential interaction between Registry and Pocket to be instantiated thanks to which: (1) The payment request is issued, see message (n), and confirmed, see message (o); and (2) the payment is completed, see message (p), and acknowledged, see messages (q) and (r).

The secrecy and authentication properties of interest for the two protocols have been verified successfully by using ProVerif, an automatic cryptographic protocol verifier based on the Applied Pi Calculus and the formal adversary model of Dolev-Yao [48].

D. Vouchers and Filtering

Vouchers generated by the Registry are transmitted to the Pocket, which stores them until they are spent in a payment. Vouchers include the following information fields:

[TeX:] $$v=\left(I D, P I N, l a t, \operatorname{lng}, t s, I D_{\left.\operatorname{aim}, I D_{\text {instr }}\right)}\right.$$

ID is a globally unique identifier for the voucher. The Registry assigns a randomly-generated unique identifier to each voucher. PIN is a secret string that is generated randomly by the Registry upon voucher generation. This secret value is intended to protect vouchers from abuse: at step (p) in Fig. 3 both ID and PIN must be provided for each voucher in order for the Pocket to use them in a payment. This prevents malicious Pockets from brute force attempts that use vouchers they have not earned.

Additional, optional fields represent information about the user contribution that the voucher rewards: couple lat and lng (respectively latitude and longitude) represent where the user contribution was generated and thus where the voucher was earned. The voucher’s timestamp is described by ts, while [TeX:] $$I D_{\mathrm{aim}}$$ and [TeX:] $$I D_{\text {instr }}$$ respectively represent the Aim and the Instrument of the contribution. Both values are unique identifiers known to the Registry.

In order to keep the payment system as simple as possible, WOM vouchers can either be spent completely or not at all. They have a unitary non-fractional value and cannot be further split. Change cannot be returned for a transaction.

When assigning goods and services in exchange for user contributions, Merchants may decide to incentivize work done through a particular Instrument, within a particular geographical region, or during a specific timespan. These preferences can be expressed as a voucher filter, indicated as f at step (j) of Fig. 3. The voucher filter restricts which vouchers can be used to satisfy a given payment, effectively limiting payment access to users with contributions that are significant to the Merchant.

The filter can combine one or more of the following acceptance criteria:

Geographical boundaries in the form of a rectangle or a simple polygon,

Time reference as a relative timespan from now (i.e., the age of the contribution),

Identifier of the Instrument that generated the voucher,

Aim of the volunteer’s original contribution.

A voucher must satisfy all criteria, if specified, to be used within a payment. More complex payment filters can be expressed joining multiple filters with OR logical conjunctions.

When payment information (including f ) is received at step (o) of Fig. 3, the Pocket filters the vouchers available to the user and determines whether the payment can be completed or not (i.e., if k or more vouchers satisfy filter f ). At step (p), the Registry independently checks whether all vouchers satisfy the filtering conditions and accepts the payment. If more vouchers satisfy the same payment conditions, they can be picked randomly by the Pocket or they may be selected manually by the user.

E. Privacy Discussion

The proposed platform is designed to require no user registration and to avoid any form of user identification.

The platform is not aware of the transfer protocol used within the Instrument to provide user contributions and cannot directly associate voucher issue requests to specific Instrument users.

Despite that, the platform’s Registry stores data about user contributions that includes geolocations, timestamps, which Instrument provided the information, and the Aim the volunteer contributed to (as per the voucher structure detailed in Equation 1). While users are not directly identifiable, the collection of this data could still expose them to potentially being identified by a “honest but curious” Registry [31], [37]. For this purpose, the user can specify that, in step (b) of Fig. 2, the Instrument has to hide or partially obfuscate information about contributions on the user’s behalf: for instance, providing an approximation of the geolocation, or reducing the timestamp to week- or month-level resolution, or abstracting the details of the Aim. This constrains the Registry’s capacity to identify users, while keeping intact the platform’s ability of rewarding contributions based on their properties. With reference to use-cases in Section III.A, mobile data collection scenarios like in UC1 could call for a coarsening of location and time data. Domestic stationary data collection, like in UC2, can clearly expose where a user’s home is located, thus suggesting an obfuscation of the location (at city- or regionallevel), while timestamps can be kept intact. Time information related to specific initiatives or educational courses, like in UC3 or UC4, can also provide links to private user information: in these cases time information can be reduced to year-level or stripped completely.

The Instrument has knowledge about the vouchers it issued, but it has no knowledge of which user actually redeemed them, nor whether they have been spent or not, or which Merchant accepted them as payment.

Conversely, Merchants can express a voucher filter f to select vouchers for payment, but they have no access to actual voucher data when they are spent. Thus, the Merchant gains no knowledge of specific details on user contributions that are stored within the voucher (location, time, Instrument, and Aim), which remain exclusive to the Registry. A malicious Merchant could however devise filters in order to verify whether a particular user owns vouchers satisfying certain constraints and thus identify the user’s past behavior: this potential privacy compromise is countered by displaying filtering conditions to the user at step (o) in Fig. 3 and explicitly warn about the information the user is about to disclose before performing the payment. If the potential privacy leak is considered inappropriate, the user may refuse payment, thus invalidating the transaction. In such a case the Merchant will not be aware of the reasons of the failure, either based on user decision or the lack of vouchers satisfying the filtering requirements.

F. One-Time Codes

The protocols make use of one-time codes (OTCs) both for identifying a voucher creation request and a payment instance waiting to be completed. In both cases, the one-time code uniquely identifies a pending voucher operation on the Registry’s side.

In practice, unique one-time codes take the form of an URL using a common scheme and including the operation’s unique identifier in their path section. For instance:

[TeX:] $$\text { wom: / payment/7d9bd006 }$$

One-time codes have been designed to be expressed as simple URLs to ease interoperation with mobile applications handling voucher collection and expenditure. On most mobile application platforms, including Android and iOS, mobile applications can register as handlers for specific URL schemes or hosts. Matching URLs act as so-called “deep links” to the applications, seamlessly transitioning from the URL to the application and supplying custom launch parameters (that can be encoded within the path like the unique identifier in the sample URL above) [49]. This design choice allows for seamless voucher acquisition and payment on most mobile platforms.

In most scenarios, one-time codes are generated by the Instrument’s client on the user’s device and are invoked as “deep links” on the device itself. The Pocket, if installed on the user’s device, will locally handle the request. That is, the dashed communication at (f) in Fig. 2 and (m) in Fig. 3 never leaves the user’s device.

Optionally, the use of URLs with the standard HTTP scheme provide a fallback mechanism for when target mobile applications (e.g., the Pocket) is not installed on the user’s device: in this case the built-in browser will display a landing Web page, which can then prompt the user to install the mobile application and join the platform.

However, URL invocations can be handled by any mobile application installed, which makes OTCs susceptible to be intercepted by malicious applications even if the user’s device is not compromised. On most modern mobile platforms, URL-based application activations can be ensured to target only authorized applications using “App Links” [49]. On platforms that do not support this feature or on compromised devices, OTCs can be intercepted. In this scenario, voucher generation or payment instances are protected by the secret Pwd, which is known to the user, the Instrument, and the Registry, after the initial handshake at (b) and (j) respectively. Malicious applications, in this case, can deny the service to the user or they must explicitly and visibly ask for the user’s secret through a phishing attack, which can be countered with appropriate methods in the Pocket implementation [50].

Finally, one-time codes in URL form also allow to encode [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}} \text { or } O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ instances as QR Codes, that can be shown on screen or printed out, enabling a set of offine scenarios described in the next Section.

G. Offine Scenario

The WOM platform is designed not only to accommodate common mobile crowd-sensing scenarios but also to be used as a rewards system for any kind of initiative towards the common good, including ones that are offine or may not rely on connected devices (see UC3 or UC4). While Registry and Pocket must be connected at the time that vouchers are effectively transmitted, Instruments and Merchants can provide the same services of assigning vouchers and accepting payments by pre-generating one-time codes [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}} \text { or } O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ in advance, splitting both protocols into two phases.

In the case of an offine Instrument (for instance, a teaching course that wants to reward the efforts of a student), a one-time code for a preset amount of vouchers can be generated in advance of the activity. The Instrument (which in this scenario will not be composed of independent client and server tools) will specify the contribution details in step (b) of Fig. 2, receiving an [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{gen}}.$$ Likewise, an offine Merchant can generate a payment [TeX:] $$O T C_{\mathrm{pay}}$$ for each item on offer, setting appropriate voucher filtering options and voucher amounts. In this scenario, one-time codes can be exposed as QR Codes and thus work just like a price tag for goods or services on offer.

However, in an offine scenario, users cannot provide the custom secret Pwd, which is needed at (b) in Fig. 2 and (j) in Fig. 3. The secret must thus be randomly pre-generated by the Instrument (or the Merchant, respectively) and communicated to the user. Since both the one-time code and the secret are needed to redeem vouchers or to perform the payment, they should be ideally transmitted separately, following common username and password security guidelines.

While both protocols feature acknowledgments of the procedure (step (i) in Fig. 2 and step (q) in Fig. 3) that notifies Instrument and Merchant of its outcome, this cannot be replicated in an offine scenario. In the case of an offine payment, the Pocket acknowledgment in step (r) in Fig. 3 is designed to provide the means of giving proof of the payment to the Merchant. During payment setup, the Merchant supplies an [TeX:] $$A C K_{p c k}$$ URL that may include unique information about the payment. The value is transmitted back to the Pocket, which will display the URL either as a QR Code or by invoking it. The QR Code can easily be scanned even by an offine Merchant, verifying if it matches the issued payment request. Otherwise, the URL can be used by the Pocket to invoke a Web page or a local mobile application, also providing proof of payment and finalizing the transaction. As mentioned previously, in case of dispute the Pocket may provide the random secret generated when performing the payment, which provides indisputable proof of payment to an online Merchant.


The growth of mobile crowd-sensing systems based on mobile and edge devices, in a scenario of almost ubiquitous sensors made available by ‘Internet of Things’ devices, enables users to easily and significantly contribute to data collection initiatives that they find appealing or useful. Many of these initiatives address real-world problems or pursue goals of public utility.

In this paper we presented a novel user rewarding platform, called “Worth One Minute”, specifically designed for mobile crowd-sensing contributions but open to any initiative that aims at rewarding efforts towards the common good and the intrinsic social value of volunteer work. The basic tenets of the platform are: (a) it provides rewards for each unit of work performed by volunteers towards a common cause, turning vouchers into an effort-based currency; (b) it provides a flexible form of anonymity for its users (it requires no registration and completely eschews any form of user identification, while users are allowed to tune the granularity of the information populating the vouchers); (c) it decouples the data collection system from the rewarding system, effectively providing a platform for multiple systems based on volunteer contributions and third-party stakeholders subsidizing volunteer work; (d) it allows reward providers to independently choose how to incentivize efforts based on their location, time, and aims, thus encouraging specific kinds of volunteer work and implementing incentivization strategies and policies; (e) it allows “offine” scenarios for Instruments and Merchants that cannot or wish not to integrate with the platform at a technical level, but are still able to generate or consume vouchers.

The proposed platform’s operations are based on two communication protocols, allowing Instruments to generate vouchers and Merchants to accept them as payments. Details of both protocols have been presented in this paper, with a thorough discussion of their security and privacy implications.

A. Platform Release

The implementation of theWOM platform has been developed in the open and the source code is released publicly on GitHub under an MIT License (https://github.com/WOM-Platform). The two components managed by the platform itself, Registry and Pocket, have reached full development and, at the time of writing, are released for an internal beta. Merchant and Instrument interface points allow third-parties to integrate with the platform and to make use of the rewarding scheme.

B. Future Work

In order to encourage adoption by Merchants, additional easyto- use software interfaces will be developed for the integration with a variety of systems. This will include a simple Web dashboard to generate payments instances in the form of QR Codes, which can be scanned by users with the Pocket application.

The long-term behavior and stability of the system, the effect of merchant-side targeted incentives, and the effective inflation risk will be evaluated in a follow-up study after significant adoption of the platform has been achieved.


We wish to thank Niko Bizzarri and Gian Marco Di Francesco for their work in the implementation of the WOM Registry and Pocket.

We also wish to thank reviewers of a previous version of this work for their insightful comments.


Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein

Lorenz Cuno Klopfenstein is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’. His interests include software architecture, mobile and Webbased software development, mobile crowdsensing, and conversational interfaces. Co-founder of Digit srl, benefit corporation for digital social innovation.


Saverio Delpriori

Saverio Delpriori is a Research Fellow and Lecturer in Applied Computer Science at the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’. His current research interests include mobile crowdsensing, wireless sensor networks, and digital social innovation.


Alessandro Aldini

Alessandro Aldini is Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Urbino ‘Carlo Bo’. His current research interests are focused on the study and application of automated methodologies for the design and verification of computer and network systems, with an emphasis on foundations of security, trust, and performance analysis and design.


Alessandro Bogliolo

Alessandro Bogliolo is full Professor of Computer Systems at the University of Urbino, Italy. He received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 1992 and 1998. From 1992 to 1999 he was with the Department of Electronics and Computer Science (DEIS), University of Bologna. In 1995 and 1996 he was with the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL), Stanford University, CA. From 1999 to 2002 he was with the Department of Engineering (DI), University of Ferrara, Italy. He joined the University of Urbino in 2002. His research interests include mobile crowdsensing, sensor networks, and digital platforms for sustainability and participatory social innovation. In 2019 he co-founded Digit srl, benefit corporation for digital social innovation.


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