Tyson Baptist D Cunha and Kiran ManjappaPrivate and Consortium Blockchain-based Authentication Protocol for IoT Devices Using PUFAbstract: In this work, a static random access memoryphysical unclonable function (SRAM-PUF) based device security framework is proposed which uses the trending blockchain technology for securing the device credentials. The proposed framework produces a unique fingerprint called PUF key for each device based on its hardware characteristics which will act as an authenticating parameter for the devices during the authentication and re-authentication phase. The proposed work uses both consortium and private blockchains for storing device credentials and authentication, unlike the current trend of using either a secured database or only a public blockchain. The consortium blockchain is used for first-time authentication, while the private blockchain is used for repeated authentication which saves the time incurred in accessing the consortium blockchain during repeated authentication. The proposed protocol also includes mutual authentication between the entities involved and thus provides dual security (device authentication and mutual authentication) to the proposed protocol making the system more secure and robust against attacks. Security analysis of the proposed protocol is done using the Scyther tool and the protocol is also theoretically proven to be stable under various attacks using threat analysis and the real-or-random model (ROR). The performance analysis of the protocol is done by analyzing the computation and communication cost of the proposed protocol against other state-of-the-art protocols. Further, the proposed protocol is also evaluated in the blockchain testbed which includes Raspberry PI and Arduino components. The results conveyed that the introduction of a private blockchain reduces the time incurred in the device re-authentication. Keywords: Authentication , blockchain , PUF , ROR , Scyther , SRAM I. INTRODUCTIONWITH increased Internet of things (IoT) devices and their connectivity, the challenges of maintaining, authenticating, and securing these devices have become a subject of concern nowadays. Further, maintaining the integrity of the data associated with these devices has also become a big challenge that can not be ignored [1]. IoT devices need to authenticate themselves first before getting connected to a network and providing its services. But, with advancements in technology, many malicious practices of counterfeiting devices and fake authentication to steal confidential data from networks have been noticed in the real world [2]. Different authentication schemes for IoT devices can be found in the literature [3], [4] that use cryptographic functions making them both resource and power-hungry. Hence, such cryptography-based authentication schemes do not suit these low-computation, low-power IoT devices. Thus, a low computation cost authentication scheme is in demand for these resource-constrained IoT devices [5] to authenticate themselves to the network. The physical unclonable functions (PUFs), a hardware authentication scheme, that requires low computation cost and consumes low power, has come to the rescue of the IoT devices. A. Physical Unclonable Function (PUF)PUF [6], a function that resides in the device, takes a set of different challenges as input and generates a set of different responses as the output. These are called challenge-response pairs (CRPs) of the corresponding device and CRPs will be stored in a secured place for future reference. Whenever the authenticity of the device is required, a random challenge from the stored CRPs can be given as input to the PUF function residing in the device. Against the received input, the PUF takes the response, [TeX:] $$r^{\prime}$$, from the device and sends it to the calling function. If the received response [TeX:] $$r^{\prime}$$ matches with the stored response r, then the device authenticity is proved. On the other hand, if an adversary has replaced the internal component of the device with a cloned component, or an internal component of the device has been removed from the device or the device itself has been cloned, a CRP check for that device will definitely fail because the response [TeX:] $$r^{\prime}$$ from the altered device will be different than the r which is from the original device. Thus, PUF can be used during any stage of the device life cycle to check the authenticity of the device. Each device will exhibit uniqueness in responses even if the same challenge is given as input at different time intervals. This uniqueness is mainly due to the unpredictable properties of the hardware that occur during the manufacturing process of the device. Even the manufacturer cannot control these exact variations as it is a unique threshold voltage for each transistor on a chip. Also, as CRPs are unique and unclonable, they can act as an unique identifier (ID), or a digital fingerprint, for device authentication over an unsecured channel. Since these generated device IDs play a vital role in verifying the authenticity of the device, securing them from unauthorized access is another challenge one should look at. Fig. 1 shows the two approaches for storing these CRPs securely namely, a secured database approach and a blockchain approach. Fig. 1(a) shows the secured database approach, where the generated device IDs are stored securely in a database but, it has a threat of a single point of failure (SPoF) and a single point of attack (SPA) [7]. Usually, trusted third parties are hired to maintain these databases but, the trustiness of the trusted third parties is always a concern. On the other hand, blockchain technology can be the best solution for storing these device IDs securely as well as for device authentication as shown in Fig. 1(b). Blockchain technology is today’s trend in data security and access restriction [8]. In the blockchain approach, the generated device IDs are stored securely in the blockchain which promises transparency, integrity, and verifiability. The access restriction property of the blockchain does not allow unauthorized access to the device IDs while SPoF and SPA are avoided by the distributed and decentralized nature of the blockchain. However, most of the articles found in the literature use the public blockchain for storing these device IDs. Another approach found in the literature is Consortium blockchain [9], [10] which is a semidecentralized approach that consists of multiple organizations (blockchains) with a predefined set of nodes and rules to achieve a common motive or requirement. A consortium blockchain can be used to build a permission-based private system that gives control over which blockchain data is made public or private and to whom. Fig. 1. (a) Authentication using secured database approach and (b) authentication using blockchain approach. ![]() The major contributions of this article are 1) This article introduces a novel device authentication and re-authentication protocol for IoT devices using minimum cryptographic primitives. 2) A distinctive communication security protocol is also proposed in this work which secures the communication between the entities involved by achieving mutual authentication.3) Along with the threat model, the proposed protocol is also formally analyzed and verified on a physical testbed for its correctness. The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section II presents the related work and Section III explains the working scenario of the proposed PUF and blockchain based authentication protocol along with the algorithms for registration, authentication, and re-authentication phase. The theoretical proof of the proposed protocol as well as the Scyther results are also discussed in the same section. Section IV provides experimental results and the threat analysis followed by conclusions in Section V.II. RELATED WORKThe authentication protocols present in the literature can be categorized as PUF based [15]–[25], blockchain based [26]– [32], and PUF and blockchain based [33]–[48] according to the state-of-the-art. In this section, only PUF and blockchain based authentication protocols are discussed which are undeniably robust, immutable and secured in terms of privacy, integrity, and confidentiality of both the device and data. In [33], authors have used SRAM PUF, bio-metrics, and digital signatures as device credentials for the authentication process. A PUF key is generated using SRAM PUF during the registration phase, and a fuzzy extractor is used as an error correction code to manage the unstable bits of SRAM. Authors have used ledger as a secured way of storing the device credentials. In [34], the authors have used a global blockchain to store the device-specific credentials. Each device embedded with SRAM PUF will have a public ID given by the manufacturer. The single challenge-response pair generated by PUF for each device is hashed to get a secret ID for the device. This secret ID along with the public ID of the device and manufacturer ID uniquely identifies the device and is stored for future reference in the blockchain. In [35], authors have proposed an authentication protocol for ownership transfer that uses consortium blockchain for storing the integrated circuit (IC) credentials securely. While in [36], [37], the authors have used PUF and Chinese remainder theorem for the device authentication with the help of the blockchain. The authors have used Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol for the communication between IoT devices and the blockchain. In [38], the authors have proposed a public blockchain-based ownership transfer protocol that aims at tracking and tracing of ICs in supply chain management (SCM) and in [39], a consortium blockchain-based authentication protocol has been proposed that consists of three types of nodes in a blockchain namely the initiator node, trusted node, and simple node each with different responsibilities at different capacities. In [40], the authors have proposed PUF-Chain, a private blockchain and PUF-based authentication protocol which uses both the secured database and the blockchain for the device authentication where the authors assumed that the content of the database is secured. In [41], the authors have proposed PUFChain 2.0 for the Internet of medical things (IoMT) device authentication in smart healthcare. PUF-Chain 2.0 uses MAC address of the device along with the PUF key for enhanced security of the devices. In [42], the authors have proposed PUF and blockchainbased authentication protocol for the Internet of thingsambient intelligence (IoT-AmI) environment in healthcare. In [43], the authors have proposed a PUF and blockchain based authentication protocol for medical wireless sensor networks. The authors have used AVISPA tool for formal security analysis. Based on the cost analysis, the authors have concluded that the proposed protocol is computationally expensive only at GWN end. In [44], the authors have proposed PUF and blockchain based multi-server authentication protocol for cloud-Edge based IoT devices. In [45], the authors have proposed an authentication protocol which mitigates IC counterfeits and uniquely tracks ICs in the supply chain using PUF and consortium blockchain. In [46], the authors have proposed a decentralized authentication protocol using PUF and blockchain which uses CRPs and helper data, a string consisting of robust bits string and uniform random responses for a given challenge, to authenticate the device. In [47], the authors have proposed blockchain and PUF based authentication protocol for industrial Internet of things (IIoT) devices. In [48], the authors have proposed blockchain and PUF based authentication protocol to safeguard the devices against the untoward activities in the supply chain. The proposed system uses radio frequency identifier (RFID) and blockhain network to authenticate the devices. A. ObservationsThe surveyed articles are summarized in Tables II, III, and IV while Table I shows the nomenclatures of different parameters considered for the comparison. Table II shows the PUF-based authentication protocols studied in the literature along with the cryptographic parameters considered and the type of PUF used in articles. The PUF-based authentication protocols aim at device security and anti-cloning techniques to secure devices from being cloned or duplicated. Table III on the other hand, showcases different blockchain-based authentication protocols with similar cryptographic parameters along with different types of blockchains. The blockchain-based protocols mainly aim to secure the device data or credentials that will be used for authentication. Finally, Table IV showcases protocols that combine both PUF and Blockchain techniques where both the device and data or credentials associated with the device are secured. Based on these comparisons, the following observations are made, 1) To the best of authors knowledge, no prior work is found in the literature which uses a combination of consortium and private blockchains along with PUF for IoT device authentication and re-authentication. 2) To the best of our knowledge, only a few research attempts [33], [36], [42], [44], have been made that authenticates devices as well as secure the credentials. Most of the articles found in the literature concentrate on either device authentication or credentials security and not on both. 3) Some of the articles found in literature, [ 40], [ 41], [ 46] have used a secured database along with blockchain to store the authentication credentials of the device. There are high chances for an adversary to hack the database and manipulate or steal the data. If credentials are known to the adversary, then the entire process of authentication fails.Considering all these observations, in this article, the authors have proposed a novel consortium and private blockchainbased authentication protocol for IoT devices. The proposed approach uses PUF based unique device ID and secret key K to authenticate IoT devices. The consortium blockchain is used for registration and first-time authentication of device whereas the private blockchain is used for repeated authentication of the IoT device. The proposed approach secures the communication between the device and the authenticator node using the symmetric network key. Further, the encrypted form of the credentials is stored in the blockchain making the proposed protocol more secure and robust. For the evaluation, the authors have considered a physical test bed scenario consisting of Raspberry PI and Arduino mega devices. The proposed approach is analyzed against several attacks using a threat model and through the Scyther tool results, the proposed protocol is shown to be secured. TABLE I NOMENCLATURE.
III. PROPOSED PUF AND BLOCKCHAIN BASED AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLThe proposed approach consists of an IoT device, a trusted manufacturer of IoT devices, consortium and private blockchain in a network. The network in turn consists of an authenticator node which runs the authentication protocol. The proposed approach consists of two phases, namely a device registration (enrollment) phase and an authentication phase, as shown in Fig. 2. The device registration is a one-time process in which the registered manufacturer adds a newly manufactured device to the consortium blockchain namely legitimate manufacturers and authenticators blockchain (LMA_BC), with secret credentials (an encrypted device ID and secret key in the form of Ri) which are generated using ID extraction algorithm based on SRAM PUF [15]. After the successful registration of devices, the consortium blockchain gives a corresponding transaction hash (TX) through which the same Ri can be relocated in the consortium blockchain during the authentication phase. The authentication phase is initiated when a device tries to interact with the network, and this phase deals with the verification of the secret credentials (KDID, K, PUF key, TX) of the IoT devices that were collected during the registration phase. The authentication protocol is initiated by the authenticator node which acts as an authenticator or mediator between the device and the network. Upon successful authentication, the device credentials are encrypted and stored in the private blockchain namely legitimate authenticators’s blockchain (LA_BC) for future re-authentication purposes. The proposed protocol, uses only private blockchain (LA_BC), avoiding the consortium blockchain (LMA_BC) when the same device comes for reauthentication as shown in Fig. 3. The LMA_BC consists of two organizations namely legitimate manufacturers (LM) and legitimate authenticators (LA) and it is explicitly designed for manufacturers to register and authenticate their manufactured devices [TeX:] $$I o D_i$$ where [TeX:] $$i=1,2,3, \cdots, \mathbb{Z}.$$ Only the LMs are allowed to participate in consensus and add or endorse data (Ri) in LMA_BC. Whereas LAs can only view or query the ledger data from LMA_BC for authentication of registered devices. On the other hand, the private blockchain of legitimate authenticators, LA_BC, is used explicitly for reauthentication and its ledger data is restricted only to LAs. Since LA_BC contains credentials of already authenticated devices [TeX:] $$I o D_j$$ where [TeX:] $$j=1,2,3, \cdots, \mathbb{Z}^{\prime}$$, and [TeX:] $$\mathbb{Z}^{\prime} \subset \mathbb{Z},$$ it speeds up the re-authentication process and reduces re-authentication time. Thus, both the consortium and private blockchains together increase the efficiency of the proposed protocol. In the following subsections, the registration and authentication, and re-authentication phases are discussed in detail. The terms used in the proposed authentication protocol are detailed in Table V. TABLE V TERMS USED.
The ID extraction algorithm using SRAM PUF [15] is used to generate unique device ID i.e., PUFKeyE and the random number generator is used to generate secret key K as secret credentials of the IoD. The same device ID will be regenerated when required and verified using a repeated ID matching technique.In order to generate a unique and costeffective unclonable device ID for each IoT device, an on-chip SRAM present in the IoT device can be used. A small number of CRPs are sufficient to generate a unique device ID for each device, hence, a weak PUF can be preferred over a strong PUF. However, generating device ID using SRAM has many challenges. There is a possibility of the generation of different IDs for the same device due to instability in SRAM bits. This possibility can be avoided using an error correction code. But error correction codes require more computation and consume large memory. Thus, an error correction code may not be a feasible option for resource-constrained IoT devices. Instead, a repeated ID matching technique [15] can be used to avoid the instability of SRAM which does not require much space and computation. A. Registration PhaseThe proposed registration phase is shown in Fig. 4. The steps involved in the registration phase are detailed below:1) M generates PUFKeyE and secret key K from an IoD using ID extraction algorithm and random number generator. From the PUFKeyE and K, the M generates Ri, a devicespecific key, for each device using the (1). M then sends the device specific key, Ri, to consortium blockchain for the IoD registration. The M should be a legitimate and registered identity in the blockchain to register the IoD. 2) After verifying the credentials of the M, the consortium blockchain registers the IoD by adding Ri in to the blockchain. This registration process generates a transaction hash TX, which is specific to the registered IoD. As a reply, the consortium blockchain sends TX to the M. 3) M will also have manufacturer specific built-in ID called [TeX:] $$M_{I D}$$. The M generates a secret key based device ID, known as KDID, using [TeX:] $$M_{I D}$$ and K as shown in (2). The KDID is generated to encrypt and protect secret key K from adversaries and provide a security environment to K in private blockhain. Finally, the M stores the secret key K, KDID and TX, in the IoD for future authentication.
The pseudo code for IoD registration phase is shown in Algorithm 1. B. Authentication PhaseThe authentication phase is triggered when an IoD tries to join or communicate with the service provider network. The IoD first contacts the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ to initiate the authentication process. The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ generates a session and device-specific network key [ 21], NWK, and shares it with the IoD using secure channel in order to secure future communication. The authentication phase is shown in Fig. 5, and the steps involved are explained below:1) The IoD encrypts KDID stored in its memory using the network key NWK, and sends it to the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ for the authentication. 2) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ then decrypts the received encrypted message using NWK and extracts KDID. Now, KDID acts as an authenticating parameter for the IoD, and since storing KDID directly in the private blockchain (after successful authentication leads to vulnerability, we are creating another ID referred to as a device-specific ID (DID) based on KDID. The DID will be created by the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ using its built-in ID called [TeX:] $$A_{NID}$$ as shown in (3).
3) In order to provide one more level of security, the DID is hashed to get [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ which will be actually stored in private blockchain (upon successful authentication) and the same will be used in the re-authentication phase. The generation of [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ is shown in (4).
4) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ uses a nonce [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ to obtain a secret key Mi from KDID as shown in (5). The [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ is basically used as a second factor of security to device credentials after NWK. The [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ will be used to encrypt device credentials like K and PUFKeyA. Thus, securing the credentials during the communication at both [TeX:] $$A_N$$ and at IoD end.
5) The IoD decrypts the received message using NWK and retrieves [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ using (6).
The retrieved [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ is then hashed using hash function H to get [TeX:] $$H_{nd}.$$ This process is shown in (7). The main reason for using the hash function is that if [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ is retrieved by adversaries, then the device credentials can be decrypted using [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$, thus putting the entire system at risk. Hence, [TeX:] $$N_{an}$$ is hashed to protect device credentials from adversaries.
For the consortium blockchain authentication, the IoD regenerates PUF key i.e., PUFkeyA using credentials obtained during ID extraction algorithm. Then the IoD computes a secret key Ai using PUFkeyA and [TeX:] $$H_{nd}$$ and Ki using K and [TeX:] $$H_{nd}$$ as shown in (8).
(8)[TeX:] $$\begin{gathered} A i=H_{n d} \oplus P U F K e y A \\ K i=H_{n d} \oplus K \end{gathered}$$The Ai and Ki are generated by IoD to provide communication security and to safeguard PUFKeyA and K from adversaries. Then the IoD generates a secret session key [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ using (9). The [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ will also be genrated at the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ end as it establishes mutual authentication between IoD and [TeX:] $$A_N$$ and will be mainly used to communicate messages only after successful authentication.
Then, the IoD encrypts the generated secret key Ai, Ki, and TX (which is stored in its memory) using NWK and sends it to the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ for consortium blockchain authentication. 6) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ receives the tuple and decrypts it using NWK. The nonce generated at [TeX:] $$A_N$$ end is then hashed using hash function H to get [TeX:] $$H_{n a}$$ as shown in (10).
The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ extracts PUFKeyA from Ai using (11).
The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ extracts K from Ki using (12).
Now, the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ has PUFKeyA , K and TX where the TX is unique transaction hash given by the consortium blockchain during the IoD registration phase. The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ then sends TX to the consortium blockchain to search or query for the corresponding Ri in its transaction history.
7) On successful search of TX specific Ri in previous transactions, the consortium blockchain sends the found Ri to the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ for verification. If Ri is not found, the consortium blockchain sends an unsuccessful search message to the [TeX:] $$A_N$$. 8) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ extracts PUFkeyE from Ri using secret key K as shown in (15).
Now, the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ has two PUF keys namely PUFKeyE (PUF generated during registration) from the consortium blockchain and PUFKeyA from the IoD (re-genrated PUF during authentication). Both the PUF keys are then compared and based on threshold hamming distance [49]. If they match, the IoD will be stated as authenticated and allowed to interact with the network. Else, the IoD will be stated as unauthenticated and the IoD will be intimated accordingly. On successfull authentication, the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ computes session key [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ similar to (9) followed by computation of Pi using (16) and sends previously computed [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ and Pi to the private blockchain for possible re-authentication of the same IoD.
9) Private blockchain records [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ Pi in its ledger. Private blockchain then sends corresponding transaction hash TXr (related to private blockchain) of stored [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ to [TeX:] $$A_N$$ and [TeX:] $$A_N$$ sends TXr along with authentication success acknowledgement to IoD. The mutual authentication and session key establishment will takes place between Iod and [TeX:] $$A_N$$ and [TeX:] $$SK_{IA}$$ will be used to further communicate messages or services requiered between IoD and [TeX:] $$A_N$$ untill device gets detached or session ends. The corresponding TXr and KDID will be used during re-authentication. For the subsequent IoD authentication, the private blockchain acts as an immediate authenticator bypassing the consortium blockchain. The pseudo code for device authentication phase is shown in Algorithm 2. C. Re-authentication PhaseAn IoD after the successful authentication by the consortium blockchain can interact with the network and it may log out or can get detached from the network in the due course. It may happen that the same IoD may again request authentication from the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ to interact with the network. In such cases, a re-authentication phase will be initiated where the private blockchain will authenticate the same IoD with less computation and less delay by skipping the consortium blockchain authentication procedure. The sequence diagram of re-authentication phase is shown in Fig. 6 and is explained in the following steps.1) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ generates a session and IoD-specific NWK, upon re-authentication request, and shares it with the IoD for secure communication. The IoD then generates Li using (17) and encrypts the secret key KDID, Li and TXr stored in its memory using the NWK, and sends it to the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ for the re-authentication. Subsequently, the IoD generates session key [TeX:] $$SKR_{IA}$$ using (18) which will be used to obtain mutual re-authentication and to secure communication after successful re-authentication.
2) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ decrypts the received message. 3) The [TeX:] $$A_{NID}$$ will be used to generate DID which is further hashed to get [TeX:] $$H_{DID}$$ as shown in (19).
4) The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ then checks for [TeX:] $$H_{D I D}$$ and Pi in the private blockchain using TXr. If the search is successful and if [TeX:] $$H_{D I D}$$ matches with generated [TeX:] $$H_{D I D}$$ by [TeX:] $$A_N$$, then private blockchain sends Pi to [TeX:] $$A_N$$.
[TeX:] $$\begin{aligned} & A_N \rightarrow L A \_B C: T X r \\ & \quad L A \_B C \rightarrow A_N: P i \end{aligned}$$ 5) [TeX:] $$A_N$$ retrieves PUFKeyA and PUFKeyRA using (20) and compares PUFKeyA and PUFKeyRA based on Hamming distance threshold.
(20)[TeX:] $$\begin{array}{r} P U F K e y A=H_{D I D} \oplus P i \\ P U F K e y R A=K D I D \oplus L i \end{array}$$If the comparison satisfies the threshold, a success message will be sent by [TeX:] $$A_N$$ to the IoD. The IoD will be termed reauthenticated, and it is allowed to interact with the network. The session key after successful mutual re-authentication [TeX:] $$SKR_{IA}$$ will be generated at the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ end similar to (18) and will be used for future secure communication. The pseudo code for the device re-authentication phase is shown in Algorithm 3.D. Security ProofA protocol is said to be secure if an adversary cannot interact with it and determine the confidential data such as secret key K or other sensitive information in the proposed protocol with total certainty. Thus, it is essential to analyse the proposed protocol in order to identify the protocol state that would endanger the device’s and the network’s confidentiality. In the following theorems, it is demonstrated that the proposed authentication protocol follows preimage resistance property and Kerckhoff principle and is secure against brute force attacks. Definition 1: (Brute force attck) Given an N-bit output of a cipher text y is z and if [TeX:] $$K=k_1, \cdots, k_n$$ is the key space of all possible keys [TeX:] $$k_i$$, it is computationally infeasible to calculate the input message x such that [TeX:] $$d_{k i}(z)=x$$ through brute-force attack for every [TeX:] $$k_i \in K.$$Theorem 1: The ciphertext Ri is secured from a bruteforce adversary such that it is computationally infeasible to get secret key K or PUF key to decrypt ciphertext Ri, for all possible keys [TeX:] $$ki \in K.$$ Proof: Let (x,y) denote the pair of plain-text (PUF key) and cipher-text (Ri), and let [TeX:] $$\mathrm{K}=S K_1, \cdots, S K_n$$ be the key space of all possible keys [TeX:] $$K_i$$. For every [TeX:] $$k_i \in K$$ a bruteforce attack checks if [TeX:] $$d_{k i}(y)=x$$. If condition satisfies, a possible correct key [TeX:] $$K_i$$ is found. Consider a set of devices [TeX:] $$D_1, D_2, \cdots, D_n$$ which has PUF key [TeX:] $$P U F K e y E_1, P U F K e y E_2, \cdots, P U F K e y E_n .$$ Consider secret key K for each device to be [TeX:] $$S K_1, \cdots, S K_n.$$ Both secret keys and PUF keys are considered to be secured and out of the adversary’s sight. keys are considered to be secured and out of the adversary’s sight. [TeX:] $$PUFKeyE_n \text { and } S K_n \text { where } n=1,2, \cdots, n$$ is a random device which has requested for the authentication.Assume that the adversary A has cipher-text Ri. Now, the adversary has two options, get PUFKeyE and extract secret key K from Ri or guess secret key K and extract PUFKeyE from Ri. Case 1: Get PUFKeyE and extract secret key K from Ri The adversary getting hold of a PUFKeyE is a challenging task as it is generated on the fly and is not stored in the device explicitly. It is considered to be non-tampered, unpredictable and unclonable. Hence, PUFKeyE is assumed to be safe thereby stopping the adversary from getting the secret key K. Case 2: Guess secret key K and extract PUFKeyE from Ri. The possible combinations (PC) or population of secret key K are: Consider the length of SK as 20 digits and the possible number of characters in SK be 94 which is inclusive of numbers (0–9) 10, letters (A–Z and a–z) 52, and Special characters 32. Now the (22) becomes, If a supercomputer can generate three trillion keys per second, then it would take,
[TeX:] $$\begin{aligned} & 2.90106241 \mathrm{e}+39 \div 3,000,000,000,000 \\ = & 9.67020804 \mathrm{e}+26 \text { seconds. } \end{aligned}$$ An adversary may take 9.67020804e+26 seconds, which is approximately [TeX:] $$3.064 \times 10^7$$ trillion years, to predict K and decrypt Ri. Hence the brute force attack for decrypting [TeX:] $$d_{k i}(\mathrm{Ri})$$ will be computationally high or may take years to predict if Definition 1 holds good. Definition 2: (Preimage resistance) Given a secure hash function H with an N-bit output z, the computation required to determine the input message x such that H(x) = z is computationally infeasible. [ 50]. Definition 3: (Kerckhoffs principle) A cryptosystem must be secure even if the attacker is aware of all of its details other than the secret key. Particularly, even if the attacker is aware of the encryption and decryption procedures, the system should be secure. [ 50]. Theorem 2: The proposed authentication protocol α is protected from eavesdropping adversaries if the Kerckhoffs principle and preimage resistance definitions hold good.Proof: Consider a nonce [TeX:] $$N_{a n} \in N,$$ where N is set of all possible nonce, is encrypted using secret key KDID to get cipher-text Mi using (24). Assume that the KDID key length is known to the adversary. Consider the adversary constructs a more efficient algorithm [TeX:] $$\alpha^{\prime}$$ which can compute [TeX:] $$KDID^{\prime}$$ using hash(KDID) based on key length using which an adversary can get hold of encrypted nonce as shown in (25). Similar to (25), using the nonce, an adversary can get hold of PUF key or secret key as shown in (26).
(26)[TeX:] $$\begin{aligned} H_a\left(N_{a n}\right) \oplus A i & =H_a\left(N_{a n}\right) \oplus P U F k e y A \oplus H\left(N_{a n}\right) \\ & =P U F k e y A \end{aligned}$$With (26), all upcoming authentications can be impersonated. The same nonce can be obtained using the secret key KDID, even if the protocol produces and selects a different nonce for subsequent authentication. Hence, revealing K, KDID or PUFKey puts the protocol at serious risk because any subsequent IoD authentication can be passed. To carry out this attack, the algorithm [TeX:] $$\alpha^{\prime}$$ must locate KDID from its hashed value, which infers a direct contradiction to both Kerckhoffs principle (Definition 3) and the preimage resistance property of a secure hash (Definition 2). Hence, the protocol α is termed to be secured if Kerckhoffs principle and the preimage resistance property hold good. E. Formal Security Analysis using Real-or-Random (ROR) ModelThis section uses the ROR model [ 25], [ 44] to formally show the security of the proposed protocol. The terms used in ROR model are shown in Table VI. We begin by describing the participants τ in our protocol P, which consists of one IoT device IoD and authenticator node [TeX:] $$A_n.$$ Each participant can have several instances that act as oracles. Three different types of results (accept, reject, terminate) can be obtained from an Oracle depending on the supplied data. The Oracle’s current state will be accepted if the proper input is received, and the state will be rejected if the input is not appropriate. The oracle outputs the terminated state if there is no reply. As stated in the widely recognized Dolev–Yao (DY) threat model [ 52], we assume in this article that the adversary possesses the capabilities to completely seize control of the communication channel, meaning that they can replay, intercept, eavesdrop, and alter messages sent over the open channel. Next, we add Canetti and Krawczyk’s model (CK-adversary model) [ 53] to our model, in which the adversary can access the session keys or session states [ 44] in addition to the secret credentials. In addition, IoDs placed in public spaces would be vulnerable to physical attack. Through power analysis attacks, the adversary can obtain the private keys of IoDs [ 54]. Based on the capabilities listed in the adversary model, adversary A launches various attacks to compromise the security of our proposed protocol. The following is a simulation of these attacks using Oracle queries to the instances: 1) Execute( [TeX:] $$I o D^i, A_n{ }^j$$): This query enables A to eavesdrop on messages between the [TeX:] $$I o D^i, \text{ and }A_n{ }^j$$ and launch a passive attack. 2) Send(τ, m): This query enables an A to send request message m to instance τ and τ replies back with actual result resulting in active attack.3) Reveal([TeX:] $$\tau^k$$): This query enables A to simulate Session key [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ generated between [TeX:] $$\tau^k \text { and } A_n^j \text {. }$$ 4) Corrupt([TeX:] $$I o D^i$$): This query enables A to simulate physical attack on IoD and get the private key of [TeX:] $$I o D^i$$. 5) Test([TeX:] $$\tau^k$$): This query deals with testing the Semantic security of the session key, where A requests P for [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ and P replies probabilistically on the outcome of flipped coin b. TABLE VI TERMS USED IN ROR MODEL.
Some of the basic concepts of ROR model are as follows: Freshness: If both of the following conditions hold true at the same time: a) the session is in an approved state; b) no Reveal query has been run on the instance [TeX:] $$\tau^k$$ and its partner. In such cases, the session is referred to as fresh. Sementic security: The indistinguishability of [TeX:] $$S K_{I A}$$ from a random number by an Adversary A based on the Test query is known as semantic security of protocol P . Definition 4: (Semantic Security) The proposed protocol P is semantically secure if the advantage function [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A)$$ is only negligibly larger than [TeX:] $$C^{\prime} . q_s^{s^{\prime}}$$Definition 5: Let [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A)$$ denote the advantage of adversary A running in polynomial time in breaking the semantic security of proposed protocol P then, [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A)=|2 {Pr}| b^{\prime}=b|-1|,$$ where b’ is the guessed bit. Definition 6: (Collision resistant one way hash function) A hash function [TeX:] $$H\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow\{0,1\}^m$$ is collision-resistant if it is computationally infeasible to find two distinct inputs that produce the same hash output of m bits and also for given hash value it is computationally infeasible to find any input that produces the same hash value (one-way). The advantage of an adversary A to find the hash collision is [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(t) \leq {Pr}\left[\left(x, x^{\prime}\right) \in_R A: x \neq x, H(x)=H\left(x^{\prime}\right)\right].$$ If [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(t) \leq \epsilon,$$ then hash function is collision-resistant, where is small positive number, and t is the maximum execution time. Definition 7: (Secure PUF function) A PUF function is secure, if the variation of a PUF function’s response to two arbitarary challenges, C1 and C2, is at least d1 and the variation to the same challenge for any two PUFs is at least d2 where d1 and d2 are security parameters. If PUF1(.), PUF2(.) are two PUF functions for the input [TeX:] $$C 1, C 2 \in\{0,1\}^k,$$ PUF is secure if the variation is [TeX:] $${Pr}[H D((P U F 1(C 1), \operatorname{PUF} 2(C 2))\gt d]=1-\epsilon,$$ where HD is Hamming distance and d is error tolerance threshold. Theroem 3: If [TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A)$$ denotes the advantage function of an adversary A running in polynomial time t in breaking the semantic security of the proposed scheme P, then advantage is estimated by,
[TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A) \leq \frac{q_H^2}{\mid \text { Hash } \mid}+\frac{q_P^2}{|P U F|}+\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r}}+2 C^{\prime} \cdot q_s^{s^{\prime}} .$$ Poof: We follow the similar proof as applied in [55]–[58]. We define a sequence of four games, namely [TeX:] $$GM_i$$ for i = 0, 1, 2, 3. In a game [TeX:] $$GM_i$$, adversary A tries to guess a correct bit b through the Test query. This event is defined by [TeX:] $$S_i$$ and its corresponding probability is denoted by [TeX:] $$\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_i\right]$$ Game0 [TeX:] $$\left(G m_0\right)$$ The initial game [TeX:] $$\left(G m_0\right)$$ is considered to be identical with the actual protocol executing under the ROR model. Hence, we have,
Game1 [TeX:] $$\left(G m_1\right)$$: This game considers simulation of Send, Test, Execute, Reveal and Corrupt queries with respect to the proposed scheme and considers lists [TeX:] $$L_H, L_A, L_T$$ for storing results of various oracle queries related to hash and transcripts. To derive [TeX:] $$S K_{I A},$$ adversary requires both temporal secrets [TeX:] $$N_A$$ and K, and also the PUF key (PUFKEYA and PUFKeyRA) which is computationally infeasible to predict as per Defination 7. Hence, winning the game [TeX:] $$G m_1$$ by A is not increased by eavesdropping, send and reveal attacks. Due to indistinguishability of [TeX:] $$G m_0$$ and [TeX:] $$G m_1$$, we obtain
Game2 [TeX:] $$\left(G m_2\right)$$: Three sorts of collision scenarios, including hash (H) queries, PUF queries and random numbers are considered in this game for all the communicated messages between IoD and [TeX:] $$A_n.$$ In message Mi, Ai, and Ki, the random number K, Hash function [TeX:] $$\left(H_{n d}\right)$$, and PUF key are used. Based on the birthday paradox, the collision probability of the hash function and PUF function is [TeX:] $$\frac{q_H^2}{2|H a s h|} \text { and } \frac{q_P^2}{2|P U F|}$$ as per Definitions 6 and 7. Moreover, the messages also consist of a random number in the form of nonce and Secret key K and the probability of the random number collision is at most [TeX:] $$\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r+1}} \text {. }$$ Thus the obtained probability difference between [TeX:] $$G m_1 \text { and } G m_2$$ is
(29)[TeX:] $$\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_2\right]-\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_1\right]\right| \leq \frac{q_H^2}{2 \mid \text { Hash } \mid}+\frac{q_P^2}{2|P U F|}+\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r+1}}.$$Game3 [TeX:] $$\left(G m_3\right)$$: In the final game, corrupt query simulation is considered where the adversary gets the credentials using the physical attack on the device. Using this attack, the adversary tries to guess KDID, K, and TX of the device. But to authenticate itself, the adversary should know the PUF key to calculate Ai during the authentication phase and Li during the re-authentication phase. The PUF function is considered to be secure in Definition 2, hence it is computationally difficult for adversaries to guess the PUF key through corrupt and send query. Hence by using Zipf’s law on passwords or secret keys simulation, it follows that
(30)[TeX:] $$\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_3\right]-\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_2\right]\right| \leq C^{\prime}. q_s^{s^{\prime}},$$where [TeX:] $$C^{\prime} \text { and } s^{\prime}$$ are Zipf’s parameters [51]. Since all the games are executed, it is remained for adversary to guess the correct bit c. Thus, we have,
From (27) and (28),
(32)[TeX:] $$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} A D V_A^{H P}(A) & =\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_0\right]-\frac{1}{2}\right| \\ & =\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_1\right]-\frac{1}{2}\right| . \end{aligned}$$From (31) and (32)
(33)[TeX:] $$\frac{1}{2} A D V_A^{H P}(A)=\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_1\right]-\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_3\right]\right| .$$
(34)[TeX:] $$\begin{aligned} \mid \operatorname{Pr}\left[S_1\right] & -\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_3\right] \mid \\ & \leq\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_1\right]-\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_2\right]\right|+\left|\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_2\right]-\operatorname{Pr}\left[S_3\right]\right| \\ & \leq \frac{q_H^2}{2 \mid \text { Hash } \mid}+\frac{q_P^2}{2|\operatorname{PUF}|}+\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r+1}}+C^{\prime}. q_s^{s^{\prime}} . \end{aligned}$$From (33) and (34)
(35)[TeX:] $$\frac{1}{2} A D V_A^{H P}(A) \leq \frac{q_H^2}{2|H a s h|}+\frac{q_P^2}{2|P U F|}+\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r+1}}+C^{\prime}. q_s^{s^{\prime}} .$$Finally by multiplying both sides of (35) by factor of 2, we obtain
(36)[TeX:] $$A D V_A^{H P}(A) \leq \frac{q_H^2}{\mid { Hash } \mid}+\frac{q_P^2}{|P U F|}+\frac{\left(q_s+q_e\right)^2}{2^{l r}}+2\left(C^{\prime} . q_s^{s^{\prime}}\right) .$$F. Formal Security Verification using ScytherScyther tool is widely used in the verification of formal security analysis of communication protocols. This tool analyses all possible attacks on the protocol and gives descriptions in the form of flowcharts. The Scyther tool is scripted in security protocol description language (SPDL) by the roles of individual entities, that comprise computations, communications, and claims. The written script is executed in Scyther tool and is verified and termed as secure from all forms of attacks as shown in Fig. 7. The claims “Nisynch,” “Niagree,” “Alive,” and “Weakagree” validated the authenticity of the entities while the confidentiality of credentials was verified by claim “Secret”. ( IoD: Dev, Anode: AN, HyB: consortium blockchain, PrivB: private blockchain). We have used Scyther- W32-v1.1.3, Python 2.7 and wxPython 2.8 in the computing system that has windows OS (64-bit).IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe proposed system consists of an [TeX:] $$A_N,$$ IoD and blockchain. The [TeX:] $$A_N$$ plays a major role in authenticating the IoD and acts as a mediator between network, blockchain, and the IoD. It has access to both consortium and private blockchains. The proposed system is implemented on a physical test bed as shown in Fig. 8. Raspberry Pi-4 is used as an [TeX:] $$A_N$$ with private blockchain and Arduino mega is used as an IoD. The computing system (laptop) is used as a consortium blockchain. The Raspberry PI-4 model B (4 GB) has a 64-bit quad core cortex-A72 (ARM V8) processor having 1.5 GHz clock speed and 4 GB SDRAM with the Raspbian operating system. The Arduino mega has ATMega 2560 microcontroller with 16 MHz clock speed and 8 KB SRAM and 256 KB flash memory. The computing system consists of a 2.90 GHz clock speed with 16 GB RAM, 1 TB of secondary storage and an Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. We have used hyper-ledger fabric running in the laptop as consortium blockchain (LMA_BC) and private network in Raspberry PI as peer in private blockchain (LA_BC). The data in the consortium blokchain, [TeX:] $$R_i,$$ can be viewed and verified by [TeX:] $$A_N$$ using a query, but cannot be modified. On the other hand, the private blockchain is only accessible to [TeX:] $$A_N$$ to store [TeX:] $$H_{DID},$$ Pi upon successful authentication and retrieve the same during re-authentication phase. The blockchain is built on Hyper-ledger fabric V2.1 with NPM V12.22 and Go V1.13 is used for chain code. For the SRAM-PUF based device ID generation, the test-bed uses Arduino IDE v1.8.13 with C++ and Python 3 for extracting device ID. The physical testbed results are shown in Table VII which shows the time taken to authenticate an IoD using both the consortium blockchain and the private blockchain. TABLE VII EXECUTION TIME OF PROPOSED PROTOCOL TEST-BED RESULTS.
[TeX:] $$E_{TR}$$: Time taken to register a device, [TeX:] $$E_{TA}$$: Time taken to authenticate a device, [TeX:] $$E_{TRA}$$: Time taken to re-authenticate a device. The results show that the time taken for the device authentication by the consortium blockchain ([TeX:] $$E_{TA}$$) is considerably more when compared to the time taken to re-authenticate a device by the private blockchain ([TeX:] $$E_{TRA}$$). Thus, the proposed re-authentication protocol is more feasible and economical for resource-constrained IoDs which undergo frequent authentication. A. Computation and Communication Cost AnalysisThe computation cost of the proposed protocol against other state-of-the-art protocols namely [ 25], [ 36], [ 42]–[ 44], are shown in Table VIII. The computation cost is computed using cryptographic primitives, namely the total number of hash functions, PUF functions, bitwise XORs, random number generations, and scalar multiplications used in the protocols. The state-of-the-art protocols also consist of registration and authentication phases with a series of key exchanges between the user device and an authenticator node using cryptographic primitives. The total computation cost is the total cryptographic primitives used in protocols.TABLE VIII COMPARISON OF COMPUTATION COST OF PROPOSED PROTOCOL VS. STATE-OF-THE-ART APPROACHES.
Fig. 10. Computation cost of proposed protocol vs. state-of-the-art protocols at authentication phase. ![]() TABLE IX COMPARISON OF COMMUNICATION COST OF PROPOSED PROTOCOL VS. STATE-OF-THE-ART APPROACHES.
Fig. 11. Communication cost of proposed protocol vs. state-of-the-art protocols at registration phase and authentication phase. ![]() TABLE X COMPARISON WITH OTHER AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLS.
PF: Protocol Features, *: not applicable, C1: Dos attack protection, C2: Replay attack Protection, C3: MITM attack Protection, C4: Confidentiality, C5 : Formal security analysis, C6: Mutual authentication, C7: Low computation and communication overhead B. Informal Security AnalyisIn this section, the various possible attacks or threats [ 59]– [ 61], to our proposed protocol have been discussed. 1) Denial of service (DoS) attack A DoS attack occurs when an adversary purposefully causes a genuine IoD’s authentication to fail in order to reject its service request. In order to stage failed authentication, the attacker should be able to manipulate credentials and send fake requests or ciphers to the [TeX:] $$A_N.$$ As the communication is secured with network key NWK, this attack is eradicated so that an attacker cannot eavesdrop on the communication and only a legitimate IoD with a priorly shared network key can communicate with the [TeX:] $$A_N.$$ This feature is tested in Scyther to be true. 2) Man in the middle attack An attacker intervenes the communication between sender and receiver either to eavesdrop or impersonate either sender or receiver without their knowledge is known as man in the middle attack. The proposed protocol withstands man in the middle attack as each communication between the device and the authenticator is secured via network key and only legitimate device can interact with authenticator. Hence, only after verifying the device identity, communication takes place between the authenticator and device to eradicate communication attacks including man in the middle attack.3) Replay attack An attacker uses prior communications to change or impersonate credentials in an effort to authenticate an IoD. This is known as a replay attack. Consider an attacker receiving Ai from the device end. The original Ai is shown in (37).
Consider the attacker computes [TeX:] $$Ai^{\prime}$$ as per (38) using advserary efficient algorithm.
where [TeX:] $$H_{n d}^{\prime} \text { and } P U F K e y A^{\prime}$$ are adversary altered credentials. Now the [TeX:] $$A_N$$ will have two ciphers namely Ai and [TeX:] $$Ai^{\prime}$$. Authenticator if receives [TeX:] $$Ai^{\prime}$$ then there are two possibilities. Either [TeX:] $$A_N$$ will not be able decrypt [TeX:] $$Ai^{\prime}$$ due to mismatch in [TeX:] $$H_{nd}$$ and reject the device or authenticator will retrieve adversary based [TeX:] $$PUFKeyA^{\prime}$$ and it will certainly mismatch with PUFKeyE and device will be rejected. In both the cases, device will be rejected. Hence to eradicate this , we have proposed network key for each transmission of Ai and KDID,Ki from device end to [TeX:] $$A_N$$ and vice versa, to send or receive legitimate ciphers at [TeX:] $$A_N$$ end and device end. 4) IoD impersonation attack An adversary must have precise knowledge of [TeX:] $$Io D^{\prime} s$$ PUF key if it wants to pose as an IoD. Section III-E, however, proves that the advantage of an adversary to guess the PUF key is negligible. Thus, our proposed system can stop IoD impersonation attacks since the adversary cannot generate authentication request messages without precise PUF key. 5) Physical attacks The entire authentication protocol relies on the security of device credentials. The adversary has to take critical, sophisticated measures (invasive and non-invasive physical attacks) to break memory to get hold of the elements stored in it. During this course, these sophisticated measures will affect the stability of SRAM memory causing a change in the PUF key. Hence, the resulting PUFKeyA will not match the PUFKeyE during authentication. Even if the adversary manages to simulate and guess credentials using a corrupt query (Section III-E) or physical attack, the adversary won’t be able to authenticate itself because of the unclonable PUF key. Any attempt by an adversary to tamper with the device physically and to hack credentials will change the PUF key, as PUF relies on physical variations. An adversary without PUF key, wont be able to pass the authentication and re-authentication phases. Hence, the proposed approach is physical attack-resistant. Further, to enhance device memory security, tamper-proof memory, hardened firmware, tamper-evident seals, and secure packaging can also be used as future alternatives. V. CONCLUSIONThe security of IoT devices in the current digital era is a challenging task as the number of devices is increasing exponentially day by day. Protecting the authenticity of the device is a mandatory requirement in today’s era. In this article, PUF and blockchain-based authentication protocol is proposed for IoT devices that use both private and consortium blockchains where PUF provides device security and blockchain provides the security of credentials. The proposed protocol creates a device-centric PUF key and a secret key specific to each device. These two parameters are verified during the authentication phase to prove the device’s authenticity. Further, the re-authentication protocol is also proposed in this work to speed up the authentication of devices that undergo frequent authentication. The protocol uses a network key and session key to secure the overall communication and thus provides authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality to the device and the device’s credentials. The proposed protocol is theoretically proved by the ROR model and is proven to be stable against possible attacks, and the same is also proved using the Scyther security analysis tool. Further, the proposed protocol is tested on a physical testbed for its correctness, along with a performance analysis of the computation and communication cost of the proposed protocol against state-ofthe- art protocols. The results are encouraging. BiographyTyson Baptist D CunhaTyson Baptist D Cunha received the M.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from NMAMIT, Nitte University, India, in 2019. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in the Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India. He has one year of teaching experience. His current research interest is IoT security using PUF and blockchain. BiographyKiran ManjappaKiran Manjappa (Member, IEEE) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India. He holds a Ph.D. from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal, India. He has contributed to the literature through many international conferences and journal publications under IEEE, IET, and Springer publishers. He is serving as a Reviewer for reputed journals and served as Chair and Technical Program Committee member for international conferences. Dr. Kiran is the Technical Expert Committee Member for the Smart City projects "E-Library" and "Centralized Command Center" in Karnataka State, India. His research interests include blockchain technology, IoT, and 5G networks. References