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Journal of Information Processing Systems

Dynamic Caching Routing Strategy for LEO Satellite Nodes Based on Gradient Boosting Regression Tree

SoC Virtual Platform with Secure Key Generation Module for Embedded Secure Devices

Signal Processing and Development Process Based on "MOOC + SPOC + Flipped Classroom"

The Determinants and their Time-Varying Spillovers on Liquefied Natural Gas Import Prices in China Based on TVP-FAVAR Model

TPS Analysis, Performance Indicator of Public Blockchain Scalability

Empirical Research on the Relationship between the Futures and Spot Prices of Cotton in China

Survey on Financial Support in Chinese Language Promotion

Applications of a Deep Neural Network to Illustration Art Style Design of City Architectural

A Study on the Analysis of Security Requirements through Literature Review of Threat Factors of 5G Mobile Communication

A Controllable Parallel CBC Block Cipher Mode of Operation

Journal of Communications and Networks

In-vehicle Network Latency Analysis for a Lane Keeping Assistance System

Distributed IIoT Anomaly Detection Scheme Based on Blockchain and Federated Learning

Probabilistic Resource Rescheduling for C-V2X based on Delivery Rate Estimation

Network resource allocation method based on blockchain and federated learning in IoT

An Efficient Tasks Offloading Procedure for an Integrated Edge-Computing Architecture

Towards 5G-Advanced NR-Unlicensed Systems: Physical Layer Design and Performance

SER Performance Analysis of Generalized κ − µand η − µ Fading Channels

Fatal C-V2X Denial-of-Service Attack Degrading Quality of Service in a Highway Scenario

Private and Consortium Blockchain-based Authentication Protocol for IoT Devices Using PUF

State-Dependent Broadcast Channels with Reversible Input Constraints